Mid-Week Devotional

Hello Church Family!
During these trying times when we are not able to meet together, I am trying to post some sort of devotional resource each week in addition to what we provide for your Sunday worship. Sometimes I will write a devotional myself, and others (like today) I want to direct you to good resources that already exist.
One of the things I miss most about this time period is the corporate singing we normally get to enjoy each Sunday. Music is one of the things the Lord uses to encourage our hearts as we seek to trust in the Lord. While we face many anxieties right now, biblical songs can be a great means to help us trust in the promises of God's Word. Here is a great playlist titled "Songs of Comfort for Anxious Souls." This is a large list of music that includes some songs you know, and many you may not. I came across this list a week or two ago, and wanted to share it with you. I am listening to it right now as I write this!
As the author of this playlist said, "One way we can rest in the knowledge and presence of God is to surround ourselves with music that sings it over us." I hope and pray that these songs help the word of Christ to dwell in you richly (Col. 3:16).
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